Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 12: My Favorite Apps

Today, let's talk gadgets and apps that make tracking calories and exercise easier!

The My Fitness Pal App!
Tracking calories is SO KEY to weight-loss, so this app is really handy! You set a daily calorie allowance, then log your food to keep a real-time look on how you're doing. You can search items, even food from restaurants, save meals to chose from later, reuse recent items, and track exercise and water too!

Breakfast: 1 slice WW toast with 1 TBS Smuckers 
     raspberry Simply Fruit “jam”, 1 cup fruit salad,
     8 oz grapefruit juice (with honey and apple cider      vinegar - from now on referred to as "slim juice")
Snack: Vanilla-berry protein shake
Lunch: 2 HBE's 1 slice of WW toast w/ “jam”
Dinner: Steamed green beans, baked dill-herbed
     Tilapia, and some fruit salad for dessert

The Nike Fuel Band & the App!
I love this thing! You set the number of activity points that you desire to reach. Each day, you put it on, and it shows you how close to your goal you are, as well as tracking calories burned, steps taken, and it's also a handy little watch.

Today's Workout : Chest and Abs
First -warm up: 10 mins on treadmill- increase from 3mp to 5mph in slow increments
Total time: appx 30 mins
Complete 3 sets

Chest flys – 15 reps
Chest press – 15 reps
Push ups – 15 reps
Plank – 1 min hold
Reverse crunches – 30x
Classic crunches - 30x
Bicycle crunches - 30x

A great rule of thumb for good form with chest exercises, is go with the rule of 3! Example, if doing chest presses, with weights in hand, hold at the bottom (not resting on the floor – this is the hardest part) for a slow count of 3, slowly raise at a pace of a slow count of 3, then hold at the top for a slow count of 3, then slowly lower down to the starting position to a slow count of three – this is one repetition. The reason? You want to work the entire muscle, from it's most contracted point to it's most lengthened point with precision and control. ANYONE can bang out 15 reps quickly, but to slowly, deliberately to the actions this way, you get a fuller, more complete workout so that every fiber of the muscle group you are working gets used and strengthened.

The Fitness Buddy App!!
I did my workout today using this app! It's a great app where you can either do a pre-built workout, or build your own! Track reps, sets, weight and see how each exercise is done! 

A great rule of thumb for good form with crunches, is 1. lead with your chest, not your head, 2. put a small weighted object (I use my phone) on the upper or lower abs, or in the center of your abdominal group* – to help your mind and body focus on where you are working, and where you should be feeling the contractions (*if doing side, cross or bicycle crunches and focus on keeping it from falling off – to assure you are working both sides evenly).

Total time: 5 min

Cobra stretch, for abs- hold 30 seconds. Child's pose-hold 20 seconds Repeat 2-3x

Doorway stretches, for chest. Classic goalpost stretch – hold 30 seconds.
Overhead doorway stretch – hold 30 seconds.
Single-arm doorway stretch – hold each side 30 seconds.

*Tip of the Day*

Have a little respect!! Most people don't have 2-3 hours to workout each day, so if you only workout for 30 minutes, give yourself the self-respect of not WASTING your own time!! Don't get distracted by your phone
or by talking to other people. Put in your headphones and tap into your inner strength and FOCUS!!! Focus on yourself, on what you are doing 100%. Do as much as you can, challenge yourself, but pay attention to your body. Breathe! Drink water before, during and after your workout. And ALWAYS take time to stretch.

Thanks for reading guys! Keep the comments coming!

Shout out to Britt!! Thanks for reading girl - I hope you made some HBE's! They're my favorite snack right now, seasoned with some fresh ground black pepper. :) Yum, yum!!   
                      (Say "Hi" to your favorite adorable redhead for me!)

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