Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 69: Say NO to the Dough!

Hey blog fans! It's just a quick one today!

Todays Temptations

As I was doing a little shopping, I made the mistake of walking through the bakery isle. To add injury to insult, or a little extra temtation to the already blatant temptation of the baked goodies, including my favorites, doughnuts and cinnamon rolls, they had a small display for my favorite fruit candies; Aplets and Cotlets! Sigh and drool.

Also, I made cookies for youth group, since I had a roll of Pillsbury peppermint sugar cookies in my fridge (I bought them to make for snack last week, but I forgot them) and pulled them out to make them for today. I had a little taste of the dough and OH! It was tough-going aftert that. Remembering my double tummy ache-whammy from last week, I only tasted a little, and then two cookies when they were baked, but yeah, I should NEVER make that kind of cookies again, or have an entire roll of dough in my house. It's too dangerous!

Coming up this thanksgiving, I'm gonna bring along fabulous fruit and veggie trays like these to nibble on! Wow! Don't they look good?

Breakfast: 2 HBE, 3 "carrot cake"bites
Snack: sliced turkey and green beans
Lunch: quinoa & chicken bowl leftovers
Snack: several peppermint sugar cookies - NOT the best choice, but a little yum in the tum!
Dinner: an apple, oatmeal

The procrastination continues!! Sigh.

What do YOU do to get out of a lazy rut?

Thanks for reading all!

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